A downloadable game for Windows

Buy Now$29.00 USD or more

Change photos to nude images

by mixing a part of a nude image into it. With WebPix Mixer, this is done in a few minutes, with automatic color adaption. The results are often amazing.

How to mix.

Just watch the video at the right. Mark the replace area and target color with a few clicks. Select the source image to copy from. Do some scaling and shifting, done.

What to mix.

You find bikini and nude images anywhere in the web. You also get here a base image library with a 3d cgi model from different angles. In general, images with neutral lighting and no visible shadows mix best.

This is a game.

It's for the fun of combining things. The game saves small meta files describing what is mixed how (Fully non destructive editing). You can run the game any time later, watch the live mixes again, and improve them. Time after time, you will find new web sources which fit better into your targets. Or you find new targets which fit to your sources. It's a puzzle game, an endless amazing journey.

Try the mixing fun now for free!

Download the free WebPix Retro Mixer, which is a fully working game in 80's style graphics resolution. Also download the free source image libray in SD resolution, which contains ready-to-use source images. Open the pic base folder in Retro Mixer, and start mixing!

What can you buy?

For $29 you get:

  • the full version of the game, which was tested with an HDMI display and images with up to 2000 lines. Very high-res images may cause render timeouts. If that happens you may have to reduce the image files yourself by an image conversion program.
  • the HD version of the base image library, with high quality source images in 2000 lines resolution.

The binary is a small and easy installer executable for Windows. It does not require admin rights. Installation is done within one minute, there is no serial number typing and no online access. The executable is 32 bits, for Windows 7 to 11 with 32 or 64 bits. You may move the executable to a different folder or drive after installation, but it will run only on the computer where it was installed.

When you buy and you are asked for your postal address, it is important to fill in the correct country, for VAT calculation. All other data is just shown to yourself in a purchase confirmation, and need not be detailed.

WebPix Mixer Game is an original product of H-Grail Technologies, and not associated with any other company or product having webpix in their name.

You may send feedback or questions to: webmix@tutanota.com

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorH-Grail Technologies
TagsAdult, Creative, Erotic
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


Buy Now$29.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $29 USD. You will get access to the following files:

wpm-srcpic-125-hd.zip 355 MB
WebPixMixerHD-set-up.exe 1.7 MB

Download demo

wpm-srcpic-125-sd.zip 31 MB
WebPixRetroMixer.exe 945 kB

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